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Dear Colleagues,

Would you like to join me as co-commissioners in supporting John Steinmetz’s latest composition project? He is currently writing a piece entitled "Whispers" for flute, bassoon, and piano that will be approximately 3-5 minutes in length. If we can get enough commissioners on board, there is the possibility that he might be able to add a second movement.

Myself (Amy Gillick, Bassoon professor at Virginia Tech), Tabatha Easley (Flute professor at Virginia Commonwealth University), and Kevin Chance (Piano professor at The University of Alabama) will be giving the trio’s world premiere at the 2015 IDRS convention in Tokyo this August. Thereafter, co-commissioners will have exclusive rights to premiere the work for one year before the work is available to the general public.  

John Steinmetz’s many beloved works encompass a wide variety of genres. He is well known for his bassoon sonata, concerto, and wind quintet, as well as many other fantastic pieces. Always clever and engaging, John’s music spans the emotional and intellectual spectrum, ranging from the profound to the comical. His music is truly hard to categorize, and that is just what we love about it! For more information about John Steinmetz and his music, please visit his website:

Co-commissioners will join forces in the creation of this new chamber work and be recognized in the score for their contribution. The fee to join this project is $100 per commissioner. With each contribution, a commissioner will receive a special "Commissioner’s Edition" of the score with your name and affiliation listed on the title page. You will have a one-year exclusivity agreement on performances before the piece is made available to the general public. Participants may share the cost of the commission, but for each $100 submitted, only one score and set of parts will be sent out. Please be sure to let me know if you are sharing.

John anticipates having the work completed by late July. Parts should be should be available in Fall of 2015.

If you wish to join this consortium, please send the $100 fee now directly to Amy Gillick: 
195 Alumni Mall (0141), Henderson Hall Rm 247, Blacksburg, VA 24061 

or via Paypal to, AND reply by email to with the following information:

Contact name:
Name as you would like it in the score (can be a personal name or name of group):

Affiliation (can be a city, university/school, ensemble name, etc.):

mailing address for score & parts:

We are so thrilled and honored to embark on this exciting project—I hope you can join us!


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